About us

About us

We are a non-profit entity dedicated to the encouragement, promotion and development of excluded entrepreneurs (young people, women and the unemployed).

We have been pioneers in the development and application of microcredits in Spain as a strategy for social, labor and financial inclusion of vulnerable groups.

We understand the creation of small businesses as a socio-labor integration strategy, which generates employment and wealth, energizing the local economy.

MITA was born more than 20 years ago, the main headquarters is located in Madrid.

Our founder is Ana Cárcamo Hidalgo and she always saw the entrepreneur as a person capable of helping others besides himself; because although he is excluded from access to capital, sources of financing, information, technology, and above all the right to make mistakes, he is capable of creating, starting from scratch, and if he stumbles, getting up and starting again.

For them, MITA is and will always be their home, where they can train, make their dreams come true and acquire a culture of success.

01 Mission

Improve the quality of life and work of people, through support services for the creation and consolidation of new businesses.

02 Vision

To be a reference institution in Spain, in the promotion, advice, development and consolidation of business initiatives of vulnerable groups.

03 Values

Our values as an NGO are responsibility, integrity and coherence. Commitment based on ethics, participation and solidarity. Promotion and respect of cultural diversity and gender equality.

Join our community

  • Our volunteers are economists and lawyers, but we are looking for expert and enthusiastic professionals who want to share their knowledge.

  • In addition, our institution has collaboration agreements with important consulting companies and independent advisors.
I want to be a volunteer
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